Hedge & Foolcolor team up: a new Foolcat

First up is Foolcat 6 with ARRI RAW support

Cinematographers have something in common: you all want camera reports.

You have been asking us for them, over and over again. But we don’t like to reinvent the wheel. Plenty of apps already do reports. One app though, stands out in terms of design, usability and care: Foolcat.

Foolcat is made by Foolcolor, renowned for its beautifully intuitive remote control software for RED cameras. Last IBC we met and spoke about how software should work, and that Foolcat could be more than just a reporting tool for just RED users.

So today, we’re announcing a partnership:

Hedge & Foolcolor are teaming up to create a completely new Foolcat.

From today on, Foolcat is a joint venture, profiting from both Foolcolor’s domain knowledge and Hedge’s attention to user experience and design.

Together, we’ve spent a lot of time rethinking reports, looking into the mechanisms that drive the need for them. A single PDF has multiple use cases — the producer needs to see completeness, the editor needs to locate shots, the DIT can use them to estimate storage requirements for new productions. Why PDFs? They’re very accessible, that’s for sure. But are they the most useful form factor for all of these use cases? Is there a better way to gather insights from a mountain of metadata?

The new Foolcat won’t be just about supporting more codecs. We’re envisioning an app that lets you see what went where, and what it was about. Not an media asset manager, but a catalogue — on steroids.

One that works with online footage just as well as with offline material. One that integrates with apps that allow you to process that media and metadata. One that understands sharing is important.

Foolcat 6

To kick things off with a bang, we’ve added the one thing that was pinned to the top of Foolcat’s feature request list: support for ARRI RAW.

Foolcat 6 is available today for just $79. If you have bought Foolcat this year, the upgrade is completely free. All other Foolcat owners, check your mail: there’s a coupon in there ✉️

Now that this major upgrade is out of the door, we’re going to lay low for a while, to create a brand new Foolcat — and it will be a free upgrade for all Foolcat 6 owners! 🎁