Verify existing backups

Verify existing backups, catch errors early.

Verify existing backups

Catch errors early, with the Checkpoint app

Checkpoint is no longer available as a standalone app. Instead, it's functionality will be included in a future update of OffShoot.

When offloading media onto media drives, lack of speed is the enemy. You got to keep up with the camera output not to slow down production. In post production however, by far the biggest time suck is to find out at some point down the line that there’s something missing or altered in the media you’re working with 😱

Checkpoint is meant to prevent just that. It determines if your backup is complete, and if its contents are healthy.

Checking MHLs

Offloading apps create checksums during the copy process. These unique mathematical fingerprints are used to compare the copies to the original.

Creating checksums takes a lot of CPU cycles so instead of ditching them after use, professional offloaders like Hedge and Silverstack keep them around for future use. Besides transfers logs, a Media Hash List (MHL) is created for every offload.

The MHLs contain references to which files should be on the disk, their size, location and checksums. Because you don’t want to dig through your checksum records manually, MHLs are made specifically with automation in mind. They’re the backbone of Checkpoint.

Passports please ✋

MHLs are a passport for your disks. No more need to pull out a report just for the sake of proving that a checksum was made: the MHLs will do just fine. Let’s save the reports for the qualitative information like metadata, thumbnails and continuity.

So, Checkpoint is the modern incarnation of CYA. If we all make sure we do a border check there’s never a need to point any fingers. Since it’s easy to fix there’s no delay. No delay = no added costs = nothing to worry about. After all, that’s what backups are for, aren’t they?

When to use Checkpoint

Depending on the type of production you’re working on, Checkpoint can be used in different ways on set, in post production or in archiving.

  • Doublecheck incoming media before ingest
  • Verify archives and other old stashed backups
  • Create checksums without the need to copy

…and many more applications, depending on your workflow.

More background information on MHLs:📄 Folders are not metadata
📄 Making more use of MHLs

In use

Upon dragging a disk or folder into the app, Checkpoint looks for all present MHLs and shows you the total referred file size. Checkpoint works with all major checksum algorithms:

  • xxHash64 (LE and BE)
  • xxHash32
  • MD5
  • SHA1

Next, it verifies all files referenced and presents you any issues found. This can include missing files, files that don’t match its checksum or ones that have read errors — an indicator for bad sectors. A log can be saved if needed, for further investigation.

If a drive doesn’t contain a MHL you are given the option to create one, giving you a fresh starting point for reliable data management.

Available right now

Like you’re used from us, there’s a 10-day trial available on our site. Checkpoint requires at least macOS 10.11 or Windows 7 and costs $50:
